Monday, May 6, 2019


My mission call said September 6, 2017. 20 months ago. WOWOWOW.

My companion hit 4 months and so we cut all of his hair off.

We live in a house of 4 and this week Elder Vallejos went home to Nicaragua. He only had like 3 months in the mission. He left this morning so now we are in a tripanionship. Its sad that he left. Being on a mission is the best thing Ive ever done and Ive learned too many things in my short time here. The good news is that Im companions with Elder Durham again! Heck yeah!

We had a zone conference and I saw everybody that I love again. I love my mission. Presidente Cowan is a super good guy. We talked a lot about faith and repentance and how repentance is when we actually change. I know I still lack a lot but I have definitely changed a lot in my time here as a missionary and Ive repented of a lot of my imperfections. Ive been able to see a lot of changes and blessings as Ive made those changes. Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a better way to live.

It was like 11:55 in the morning and we were about to go to eat but we decided to contact one more house. We yelled in the house and there were obviously people there but they didnt come to the door. Ugh. Right as we were about to leave this guy walks up to the door and he is really nice and he invites us in. He tells us about how he had heart surgery and that hes been looking for something more in his life. He said hes been to the catholic church and the 7th day adventists but hes still searching so we are his guys.

Good news: I ate a lot of chicken this week.

Me about to take the biggest bite of all time out of this piece of chicken. Ft. Jimmy and Paola hiding in the back.
One big piece of chicken. 
Its super blurry but this is the last picture with Elder Vallejos.

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