Monday, April 29, 2019

otro milagro

This week was super good.

We got this SUPER good reference from some members. Her name is Nancy and she has an 11 year old son named Jordany. She went to church the first time in 2000 and has been so many times, but has just been afraid to get baptized but now she has decided she's ready. We went over to her house and talked to her and she basically just told us that she is ready now. Miracles. She came to church on Sunday and has a baptismal date for the 11th!

We met this guy named El Guerrero Negro. He told us he is a singer and he gave us a cd of his music. Haha

We played basketball for 3 and a half hours today. I'm so tired.

I've seen myself change a lot in the last 20 months. Sometimes when people used to be rude to us I would get mad at them, but now I don't even think anything about it. I feel like I have a lot more peace in my life. The Atonement of Jesus Christ changes lives.

Paola bought us ice cream. God bless her. She is going to make us food today too!
This is me and my milk.

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