Monday, April 22, 2019


This week we taught Paola again. She is incredible. We had a super good lesson with her. She has been through a lot of hard things, but she has a lot of faith. On Sunday, she brought her brother to church. Her testimony is so strong and she's helped me a lot to strengthen my own. She has to change a few things to get baptized but she remembers her baptismal date really good. 18 de Mayo.

We found this girl named Ashley that is awesome too! She is 18 and her best friend is a member. She likes sharing with us and she went to church on Sunday! I feel blessed to have such good people.

We found this other 16 year old girl whose cousin is a member. She is super nice too. When we leave things with her to read she actually reads and then understands. Wow! God bless her. She is progressing really good. 

Last week I sent a picture of our iron that broke. We took it to some people that we taught and they said that it was "unfixable". This morning we had nothing to do. I took it apart. Cut a few wires. Put a few wires back together. And it works! hahaha! I didn't electrocute myself either!

Everything is going really good here in Salcedo. All of the 4 good progressing people that we are teaching are women between 16 and 24. Haha. The mission is good.

I felt the spirit a lot this week and I know that this is what I should be doing right now. There are still a lot of hard things but its worth it. Jesus lives and loves us!

sorry no pictures this week

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