Monday, April 15, 2019

The mission is cool.

I say that every week is good but this week was REALLY good.

We are teaching this lady named Paola. We taught her a few times and read the Book of Mormon but then we could never get together with her to share. We were walking Saturday morning and she pulls up in her car. She said that she wanted us to come by. We went over in the night and she wasn't there but we came back later and had the lesson of my mission with her. She told us that she had been reading El Libro de Mormon and that she had been wanting us to come over. We taught her about the Restoration of Jesus' church. The spirit was so strong and there were some tears. YES! We invited her to be baptized and she accepted. I know that the Gospel will bless her life. She is awesome!

We are teaching this other lady named Angelina. She told is super good and wants to change her life, but she told us she was coming to church 3 times and didn't. We were going to leave her if she didn't come this Sunday. But she did! She has lots of potential to be baptized. She is awesome too!

We are finding a bunch of good people who need the gospel in their lives. We are teaching a lot of new teenagers that I like teaching because they remind me of myself and I know the Gospel will help them to have better lives.

We played basketball today!

Living in a house of 4 is still really fun. We do a lot of wrestling.

My trainer is going home this week. I learned a lot of things from that big black Dominican man. 

Me and Jesucristo!
Elder Vallejos dropped the iron and it stopped working. He took it apart. It doesnt work any better now than it did before. 
Papa Mieses
Learning how to carry heavy burdens in the mission.

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