Monday, April 8, 2019

happy april fools last week

This week had some ups and downs.

First things first, sorry for the April fools joke. I actually did ask our mission president, but he said he had only heard rumors too. I'll be back in August though.

There is this Hatian dude in our ward that is super cool, but he isn't friends with a lot of people. We left with him this week and it was awesome! He said that he hadn't left with the missionaries in so long. Two of our appointments fell in the night and he called somebody and told them we are coming over. He takes us to this super cool family and we share with them and he just knows everybody so we met a bunch of people. It was super good.

We are teaching this family that is awesome! We went and taught the mom this week with two of her kids. We had a SUPER spiritual lesson and I'm super excited to see what happens with this family. Their names are Eddy and Katerine and they have a one year old daughter named Caylee and she is so cute. I love families!

General Conference was super good too! Everybody was waiting for a big announcement, but the real big announcement is that we need to repent. hehe. I learned so much though and we are so blessed to have a prophet and apostles. If we listen to them and apply their words we will be happier and receive more blessings.

I didn't take any pictures this week. sorry

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