Monday, April 1, 2019


Hello everybody!!!

So... I have some GREAT NEWS! So I'm sure you all have heard a lot about mission calls and the rumors about the length of a mission being changed. I've heard a lot about it too and a lot of rumors, but this week we had interviews with our mission president. We had a normal interview and at the end he asked me if I had any questions. I asked him what he had heard about that and I can't say everything that he told me. But he talked about a lot of things that he has heard and long story short... there is a 95% chance that I will see you all in 3 weeks!

But, other than that we saw some really awesome things happen this week. We taught this one lady last week and it was alright. We went back this week and we read 2 Nefi 31 with here and it was great.

We also found this other family and they are super good too. We sat down and started talking to this guy and he had a lot of questions and he said that he is willing to listen to us and give our church a chance. We taught him the Restoration and after he said that we answered a lot of his questions and he is very excited for us to come back.

Other good news... we played basketball today.

Missionaries from San Francisco, Elder Mieses, my trainer goes home this transfer
Some people that we are teaching
There is a cemetery behind our house. It's scary.

Happy April Fools day! I'm still coming home in August. hahhhhahhaha

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