Monday, August 19, 2019

My Last Email

Well, my mission is over. It has been incredible! I have changed so much and my testimony has grown so strong. 

This week was good. I was fasting and praying really hard for Jay to get baptized this week. She was sick during the week so she had to work on Sunday so she couldn't get baptized but I feel fine. She will probably get baptized this Saturday. I feel at peace about it.

Even though Jay didn't get baptized this other lady named Ina did. She is from the other area but we are in a tripanionship right now so I had a baptism this week haha. Her daughters have been members forever and she just didn't want to change from being catholic. The other day she just decided to get baptized and threw away all her catholic paintings and stuff. I got to do her baptismal interview and it was really cool. The baptism was really good and Jay got to go watch and she liked it. 

My mission has changed my life. I have loved being a missionary and wouldn't trade this experience for anything. I have seen many miracles in my 2 years here. I know that God is real and that He knows us. He sent His son, Jesucristo, to die for us. I love God and I love Jesus. I have been so blessed being a missionary. There are so many things that I have in my heart but I can't share them all. Ill talk more about it in Utah. I cant believe that my time here is up. Its very sad. I don't want to go but it will be good to be back. The Book of Mormon is SO true. Its the best book in the world. I read it everyday and will continue to read it everyday until I die. I love Spanish. Amo a la Republica Dominicana. Amo a mi Salvador. En el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.

I'll show you all my pictures when I get home. These are from this week.

Some strange fruit called pitajaya or something like that PEET-AH-HI-AH

These are the young single adults of SALCEDO! I love them all. I will miss Salcedo.

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