Monday, December 17, 2018

Feliz Navidad!

This week was good.

We are teaching this family that has talked to the missionaries a lot. We put a goal with them to read the whole Book of Mormon and they are going to read one page everyday. The dad's parents live in Brigham City. Yes, Utah. They said that they went to visit last year and went to a Jazz game. AHHHHHHHHHH! I haven't even seen a Jazz game in so long and they went to one... oh well.

We saw these two dudes reading the bible so went to talk to them. We started talking about the Book of Mormon with them. He asked me to tell him about one of the prophets in it then this dude comes up to us and starts preaching. He was so crazy omg. He was talking in vosotros which is like the way they talk in the scriptures. Turns out he is from Great Britain and knows 5 languages. He said, "sopla espiritu santo" and started blowing on us. I was thinking about fake passing out like I got struck by the spirit or something but I don't think it would've looked good for us. If I wasn't a missionary I would've totally done it haha. He told me and my companion that we were in the wrong path. I decided to pray about it because that's all I invite people here to do. Long story short, I'm still here and La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias is still the true church haha.

We also found this really good guy. He reminds me of one of my best converts. I feel really good about him.

I have been reading Jesus the Christ. It's a great book. I've learned so much about Jesus and his atonement. My testimony just keeps getting stronger and stronger. If you have time to kill, read it.

I love you all! FELIZ NAVIDAD!

Merry Christmas from Bonao

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