Monday, November 27, 2017


So not a lot happened this week. We had Thanksgiving and that was really fun because our mission president said we could get together and do something as a district. We had mashed potatoes and rice and chicken so it wasnt the most Thanksgivingest Thanksgiving that I have ever had but it was still good and I always love getting to see other people that speak English. 

We didnt have any investigators show up to church on sunday which really sucked and made me kind of mad because people arent going to gain a testimony if they are lazy and they are just wasting their time and we are wasting our time if the people arent going to care.

Wednesday is the end of the transfer so that means I have been in the field the same amount of time I was in the MTC. I will be with Elder Mieses for 6 more weeks then he will leave and I will stay in Flamboyanes for another 6 weeks with somebody else. Hermana Crane is going home so that means our ward will get another Hermana on wednesday too!

Here are some pictures! 

1. Thanksgiving dinner with Hermana Lynch in the background. 
2. Me and Elder Mieses and Hermana Crane. 
3. My friends.

Monday, November 20, 2017

No spiders this week


This week was pretty good. 

We finally went to this cool track thats in our area to exercise in the morning because my companion never wants to haha. I ran like 2 miles and it was really nice to run but the next day my calves hurt so bad I could hardly walk.

We are running out of investigators so we went contacting the other day. We went to this neighborhood called Las Carolinas which we never go to and we turned down this street with one house. People dont knock here they just yell into their house. So we yelled into their house and this like 25 year old guy with tattoos and corn rows comes. So we share a scripture with him and we are about to leave and he starts talking about how he has so many trials and he wants to change. He told us that everytime he does something bad or thinks about doing something bad the missionaries come and he was really emotional. He said he would be baptized the first time we saw him and Im really happy about it. Times like this really help me because I actually feel like Im helping people and Im supposed to be here. Also Alejandro is really cool and he is a professional dancer and he has the coolest motorcycle I have ever seen and hes really funny.

Other good news. I baptized Paula! She is pretty cool and I like her family a lot and the baptism was really good.

I miss all of you and thanks for your emails.

If you want to send me anything wink wink send it to this address

SDQ 8013
PO Box 025725
Miami, FL 33102-5725

Love Elder Eliason

Monday, November 13, 2017



The beginning of this week wasnt very good but the ending was! 

Right after we finished emailing last week we went out into this crazy storm and there was so much water and it was almost up to my knees in some places. We only got to write for 45 minutes last time and I wasnt happy about that then we basically walked into the ocean. 

I went on exchanges with an Elder from utah this week and it was so nice because i got to get away from my companion for a little while. Sometimes he bugs me so bad but I learn a lot from him in different ways than you would think.

Elder Cook from the quorum of the 12 came and spoke to us which was really cool. He gave a really good talk and an even better testimony. He helped change my outlook on a lot of things and he helped me to have a more positive attitude. And I got to shake his hand!

So there are two things of bad news. Number one, there was this dog we saw in the road that got obliterated. I wont give details. Second, THERE WAS A TARANTULA IN OUR HOUSE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. We got back at night and I was going to get a bowl of frosted flakes and I saw it on the wall. And it was so scary and big and ugly. I yelled for my companion and he wouldnt kill it because ¨he says its a creation of god. So i couldnt go into the kitchen and I started yelling at him to kill it and eventually he flame threw it with the bug spray. And it was terrifying. But it was the biggest spider and terrifying.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Aron cooked lunch for Elder Eliason and Elder Mieses today

"That's not the language they taught me in the MTC"


Today is my 2 month mark! I feel like its so crazy that its already been two months but also I feel like I have been here for my entire life and I will be here for the rest of my life. 

The language is coming but also its so hard. I can understand slow spanish really good but the problem is that dominicans dont pronounce anything and they speak super fast so some people I can understand ok and some people I have no idea what they are saying. Sometimes its really hard to not be able to communicate because I came on a mission to talk to people not follow around my companion. But I have learned so much in the last two months its crazy!

I saw some crazy stuff this week. There are so many stray dogs that when one dies nobody is going to bury it so there was this giant dog on this street we always walk on and it smells so bad and Im not going to describe how it looks. I saw SIX people on a moped. I realized this place we walk by everyday is a washing machine repair shop so I thought that was funny. Also everybody has up Christmas decorations and yesterday i saw a doormat that said "Let it snow" but my dominican companion has never seen snow and its hot and humid everyday haha.

I will try to send pictures next week but its really slow right now and I dont have enough time. Thanks for all your emails and sorry if I didnt respond.

Love Elder Eliason