Monday, December 24, 2018

A Christmas Miracle

This week was awesome!

First off, we went to Santiago for our Christmas missionary party. It was fun and we watched a movie haha. It was just fun because I got to see all of my friends. I love the mission.

We had our branch Christmas party on Friday. It was so unorganized omg. But it was super fun. Johan and his little sister and her friend came. I'm so grateful for them. Bonao isn't as loving as some of my other areas have been, but they are super good people. We had some good food and music but missionaries can't dance...

We found this really good guy during the week. We had passed by his house like 100 times probably, but never contacted it. He let us in and was very nice. He said he would go to church on Sunday. He didn't, but he did read the BOM and thats better than 98% of the people we talk to! He told us Saturday that he couldn't go but still says him and his wife will go.

On Sunday, we invited so many people to church. A lot of them had to work because it's close to Christmas. We had 3 people come to church on Sunday and I really feel like it was a miracle. Everybody backed out of their commitments, but we were still blessed. 

I'm very grateful for this Christmas even though I'm far away from my family and its not even cold here. The best CHRISTmas present we could ever get is Jesus. He gave us a perfect example of humility and love. I feel honored everyday to be able to wear his name over my heart and preach His gospel. This Christmases Christmas miracle is how much my testimony and love for everybody has grown. I hope that we can all remember the true meaning of Chirstmas and why that is important to us this year!

Me and The Divine Child
Like 5 weeks ago I said we met a dude that said he was Jesus. Yep, this is him.
Me and Elder Call from Utah
Branch Christmas party
Me and Johan!
Santa delivers in the DR

Monday, December 17, 2018

Feliz Navidad!

This week was good.

We are teaching this family that has talked to the missionaries a lot. We put a goal with them to read the whole Book of Mormon and they are going to read one page everyday. The dad's parents live in Brigham City. Yes, Utah. They said that they went to visit last year and went to a Jazz game. AHHHHHHHHHH! I haven't even seen a Jazz game in so long and they went to one... oh well.

We saw these two dudes reading the bible so went to talk to them. We started talking about the Book of Mormon with them. He asked me to tell him about one of the prophets in it then this dude comes up to us and starts preaching. He was so crazy omg. He was talking in vosotros which is like the way they talk in the scriptures. Turns out he is from Great Britain and knows 5 languages. He said, "sopla espiritu santo" and started blowing on us. I was thinking about fake passing out like I got struck by the spirit or something but I don't think it would've looked good for us. If I wasn't a missionary I would've totally done it haha. He told me and my companion that we were in the wrong path. I decided to pray about it because that's all I invite people here to do. Long story short, I'm still here and La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias is still the true church haha.

We also found this really good guy. He reminds me of one of my best converts. I feel really good about him.

I have been reading Jesus the Christ. It's a great book. I've learned so much about Jesus and his atonement. My testimony just keeps getting stronger and stronger. If you have time to kill, read it.

I love you all! FELIZ NAVIDAD!

Merry Christmas from Bonao

Monday, December 10, 2018

We went to a fish farm

This week was amazing!

These 2 Haitian members moved to our branch about a month ago and we went to go visit them. They live so far away! We had to walk forever to get there. They moved from Haiti to Santo Domingo then to Bonao for work. They take care of a fish farm haha. We shared with them and their friend that was there that doesn't speak a lot of Spanish. I spoke a little bit of Creole with them and they thought it was funny haha. Probably because they're super black and I'm super white. Mwen pa pale kreol. Mwen grangou. Something like that. Thats basically all I know how to say.

We found this family in the area book and went to teach them this week. They are so good WOW! Anderson who is 15 and Hasmerly who is 13 are the 2 kids. They talked to missionaries before and were going to get baptized, but went to live in the US for a while so they didn't. Their grandparents are members and live in Salt Lake City haha. We have been struggling here in Bonao, but I feel like they were a huge blessing.

Last week we had this kid named Joan come to church the first time. We went over to his house on Saturday. There were these 3 girls hanging out with him and his little sister was there too. We taught about the Plan of Salvation. Joan was like backing up our church to his friends and said it's a normal church and they don't do that thing when they make people pass out and nobody yells haha. Elder Tupou invited him to be baptized and the spirit was so strong. He took the 3 girls to church on Sunday and I was so proud of him!

The other night I was thinking and I don't know why I'm so blessed. It's such a blessing to have a family. To live in America. To have to restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I feel like I have been too blessed. But I am a very grateful boy.


This is basically the only other picture I took this week. Its a swimming pool.

Monday, December 3, 2018


I feel like every week goes by so fast and they are all good. but.. this week was good.

We went on intercambios with the zone leaders. We found this family that is pretty good. It's so awesome to find people that are receptive to our message! 

On Sunday, we had this kid that we are teaching come to church for the first time. We found him contacting in the morning which always sucks because its just old ladies cooking and its hot. But we contacted Joan and this other dude while they were fixing a bike. We saw them in this alley as we walked past and decided to turn around and talk to them. They didn't seem very interested but we put an appointment and when we went back Joan listened super good. He is 17 and is super humble and a little shy but he is cool! 

I shared my testimony on Sunday. I talked a little about the young rich man in the bible and how Jesus told him to leave everything and to follow him. We can't inherit all that God has if we are not willing to give all that we have. I feel like 2 years is so short and so little compared to the blessing that I have received and the blessing I will receive for being here. SACRIFICE BRINGS BLESSINGS!

Lately we haven't been having a lot of success here in Bonao, but I have learned a lot from it. The Lord gives us so many opportunities to get better and does all he can to help us. I feel like my relationship with Him has grown as I have struggled to help people here keep their commitments. I know that the church is true. Life is hard but it helps us grow. I know that if we have faith and repent then we will be happy. Spread the Gospel. Be a light. I'm very grateful to be a missionary. CRISTO VIVE!