Monday, April 29, 2019

otro milagro

This week was super good.

We got this SUPER good reference from some members. Her name is Nancy and she has an 11 year old son named Jordany. She went to church the first time in 2000 and has been so many times, but has just been afraid to get baptized but now she has decided she's ready. We went over to her house and talked to her and she basically just told us that she is ready now. Miracles. She came to church on Sunday and has a baptismal date for the 11th!

We met this guy named El Guerrero Negro. He told us he is a singer and he gave us a cd of his music. Haha

We played basketball for 3 and a half hours today. I'm so tired.

I've seen myself change a lot in the last 20 months. Sometimes when people used to be rude to us I would get mad at them, but now I don't even think anything about it. I feel like I have a lot more peace in my life. The Atonement of Jesus Christ changes lives.

Paola bought us ice cream. God bless her. She is going to make us food today too!
This is me and my milk.

Monday, April 22, 2019


This week we taught Paola again. She is incredible. We had a super good lesson with her. She has been through a lot of hard things, but she has a lot of faith. On Sunday, she brought her brother to church. Her testimony is so strong and she's helped me a lot to strengthen my own. She has to change a few things to get baptized but she remembers her baptismal date really good. 18 de Mayo.

We found this girl named Ashley that is awesome too! She is 18 and her best friend is a member. She likes sharing with us and she went to church on Sunday! I feel blessed to have such good people.

We found this other 16 year old girl whose cousin is a member. She is super nice too. When we leave things with her to read she actually reads and then understands. Wow! God bless her. She is progressing really good. 

Last week I sent a picture of our iron that broke. We took it to some people that we taught and they said that it was "unfixable". This morning we had nothing to do. I took it apart. Cut a few wires. Put a few wires back together. And it works! hahaha! I didn't electrocute myself either!

Everything is going really good here in Salcedo. All of the 4 good progressing people that we are teaching are women between 16 and 24. Haha. The mission is good.

I felt the spirit a lot this week and I know that this is what I should be doing right now. There are still a lot of hard things but its worth it. Jesus lives and loves us!

sorry no pictures this week

Monday, April 15, 2019

The mission is cool.

I say that every week is good but this week was REALLY good.

We are teaching this lady named Paola. We taught her a few times and read the Book of Mormon but then we could never get together with her to share. We were walking Saturday morning and she pulls up in her car. She said that she wanted us to come by. We went over in the night and she wasn't there but we came back later and had the lesson of my mission with her. She told us that she had been reading El Libro de Mormon and that she had been wanting us to come over. We taught her about the Restoration of Jesus' church. The spirit was so strong and there were some tears. YES! We invited her to be baptized and she accepted. I know that the Gospel will bless her life. She is awesome!

We are teaching this other lady named Angelina. She told is super good and wants to change her life, but she told us she was coming to church 3 times and didn't. We were going to leave her if she didn't come this Sunday. But she did! She has lots of potential to be baptized. She is awesome too!

We are finding a bunch of good people who need the gospel in their lives. We are teaching a lot of new teenagers that I like teaching because they remind me of myself and I know the Gospel will help them to have better lives.

We played basketball today!

Living in a house of 4 is still really fun. We do a lot of wrestling.

My trainer is going home this week. I learned a lot of things from that big black Dominican man. 

Me and Jesucristo!
Elder Vallejos dropped the iron and it stopped working. He took it apart. It doesnt work any better now than it did before. 
Papa Mieses
Learning how to carry heavy burdens in the mission.

Monday, April 8, 2019

happy april fools last week

This week had some ups and downs.

First things first, sorry for the April fools joke. I actually did ask our mission president, but he said he had only heard rumors too. I'll be back in August though.

There is this Hatian dude in our ward that is super cool, but he isn't friends with a lot of people. We left with him this week and it was awesome! He said that he hadn't left with the missionaries in so long. Two of our appointments fell in the night and he called somebody and told them we are coming over. He takes us to this super cool family and we share with them and he just knows everybody so we met a bunch of people. It was super good.

We are teaching this family that is awesome! We went and taught the mom this week with two of her kids. We had a SUPER spiritual lesson and I'm super excited to see what happens with this family. Their names are Eddy and Katerine and they have a one year old daughter named Caylee and she is so cute. I love families!

General Conference was super good too! Everybody was waiting for a big announcement, but the real big announcement is that we need to repent. hehe. I learned so much though and we are so blessed to have a prophet and apostles. If we listen to them and apply their words we will be happier and receive more blessings.

I didn't take any pictures this week. sorry

Monday, April 1, 2019


Hello everybody!!!

So... I have some GREAT NEWS! So I'm sure you all have heard a lot about mission calls and the rumors about the length of a mission being changed. I've heard a lot about it too and a lot of rumors, but this week we had interviews with our mission president. We had a normal interview and at the end he asked me if I had any questions. I asked him what he had heard about that and I can't say everything that he told me. But he talked about a lot of things that he has heard and long story short... there is a 95% chance that I will see you all in 3 weeks!

But, other than that we saw some really awesome things happen this week. We taught this one lady last week and it was alright. We went back this week and we read 2 Nefi 31 with here and it was great.

We also found this other family and they are super good too. We sat down and started talking to this guy and he had a lot of questions and he said that he is willing to listen to us and give our church a chance. We taught him the Restoration and after he said that we answered a lot of his questions and he is very excited for us to come back.

Other good news... we played basketball today.

Missionaries from San Francisco, Elder Mieses, my trainer goes home this transfer
Some people that we are teaching
There is a cemetery behind our house. It's scary.

Happy April Fools day! I'm still coming home in August. hahhhhahhaha