Monday, July 29, 2019

que chevere

This week we had a zone conference in La Vega. It was my last zone conference ever! Me and a few other missionaries gave our last testimonies because we are going home at the end of this transfer. I can't believe that it so close.

We are teaching this really awesome Hatian family. The moms name is Enise and she is super prepared. She doesn't speak Spanish super good but she always tells us that she wants to change her life. She went to church alone on Sunday with her 1 year old daughter. She is a great example to me and she has a lot of faith. Whenever we decide to change and repent the Lord will accept us. Its up to us!

Also Jay went to church on Sunday. She is my favorite person that we are teaching. She is awesome! We were teaching her in her house and we got her sister to come listen. We were reading 3 Nefi 11 where Jesus comes to visit the Nefitas and her sister thought that it was really interesting. Jay invited her sister to church and told her that she was going to be baptized. GO JAY!

I like the mission. I don't want to go home but also I do. I'm going to miss this country a lot. The church is true. 

These are the only pictures I took so you guys can look at some other missionaries.

Monday, July 22, 2019

one month left

We saw some awesome things this week!

We committed a bunch of people to go to church on Sunday like always and a bunch of people bailed out on us Saturday night and Sunday morning. We got to church early and there was nobody there but right as it was about to start this lady that we have taught named Rosa walked in! It was a miracle.

We found Rosa a few weeks ago. We were SUPER far away from everything one morning and we were contacting. We went into this dead end street and talked to a few people. We talked to this lady that was really mean to us and she was a testigo de Jehova. We left and started walking up to the last 2 houses that were on the street. The lady told us that nobody was home up there. But we went anyways and found Rosa. She told us that she didn't know if she had felt the spirit before but that she wanted to. We have taught her a few times and she is really good.

On Thursday there was a big riot here. We didn't go into this one ghetto neighborhood that we had a few appointments in because we heard a bunch of gunshots over there. We stayed on the tranquilo part of Salcedo for the day, but we heard a bunch of gunshots from like 5 until 10. When they do riots they just make big fires in the streets with tires and then the police come and shoot guns. VIVA LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA

This is Elder Amann from Arizona.
This is yaroa. Fries, chicken, cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise. WOWOWOWOW!!! I love it!

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Summer Miracle

Hello world,

This week was incredible!

On Tuesday we in a neighborhood that was pretty far away. We just got done teaching this lady and we were walking. I was pretty frustrated because she understood everything we taught really good but just said that she wouldn't got to church. As we were walking I started to think about miracles. I was thinking really deeply about it and while we were walking I said a little silent prayer and asked God to let us see a miracle that day.

We keep walking and we see this guy sitting outside his house. We go over and start talking to him. We introduce ourselves and guess what he says?!..... I'm catholic. So he wasn't the miracle we were looking for so we asked him for references and if there is a family with a new baby around. I've never ask that, but I did. So he sends us back the way we came and we go to the house that I had already taught at like 4 months ago. Nobody good was there so we go back the way we came from but we go down this street we passed the first time. 

So were walking and we get to this apartment building. I told my companion that we were going to go to the colmado because I was hungry then go find somebody that was going to get baptized on the second floor of the apartments. So we go up and the very first door we knock on a girl comes to the door and says that we can come back later. So we keep going and knock on this other door. This super nice guy came to the door and let us in. He lives with his wife and his 2 month old daughter. His name is Darlin and he has been talking a lot about the church with a member. His wife is Melissa and she used to talk to missionaries and she really likes our church. We gave them a Libro de Mormon and he hugged it and said that it meant a lot to them and that he was very grateful for it. I only have a few more weeks here so I don't know if Ill get to see their baptism but it was the miracle of my mission. I know that God heard my prayer and He answered it a lot quicker than I expected. It strengthened my testimony so much and Ill never go astray from the church or the commandments! God is real and He hears His children!

A lot of other good things happened this week. We finally had a few people come to church. Im still working really hard and Im going to miss the mission when I go so Im trying to make the most of it while I can.

The church is true!

Monday, July 8, 2019


Francisco didn't go to church on Sunday which was a real bummer, but his aunt did. We had taught her a few times and she is really cool and she talks A LOT. They both told us that they were going to church on Saturday night and on Sunday morning she comes walking in alone without Francisco. She said he didn't get to her house on time so she left him haha. But it was testimony meeting on Sunday and halfway through the meeting she just gets up and starts walking to the front hahaa. I got SUPER nervous because I didn't know what was going to happen but she said that she felt a lot of peace and she thanked everybody for their testimonies. She is the MVP! It was awesome! After she told some people that she wasn't a member, but that she would be.

On Sunday we went back to some people that I was teaching like 3 months ago because we have talked to entire neighborhoods and I don't know where to go to find new good people. It was actually really good and all 4 of them said that they would go to church. 

One of those people was this guy that read the bible 2 whole times but went to Santo Domingo to work for a while. But we read Moroni 8 with him and he said that he learned some new things about baptism. The Book of Mormon is true and we need it to understand the bible.

Today we went to San Francisco and played baseball. Soy Dominicano.

Monday, July 1, 2019


Hello world,

I'm writing you all from the Caribbean. I'm doing good. Salcedo is hard, but hard is good so Salcedo is good.

We are working really hard. I'm doing all that I can. The really good couple that we are teaching said that they don't have plans to get married. He has a testimony. He knows that this is the true church. I don't think she has as strong of a testimony as him, but she knows too. The hardest part about the mission is seeing things happen like that. We have taught a lot of people here in Salcedo that get to know that what we are teaching is true, but aren't willing to make the necessary changes to be baptized.

But some good news is that the kid we are teaching, Francisco, went to church. He has a baptismal date for the 13th of this month and he would be my first baptism here. He is a really good kid. It's kind of hard for him to focus in church but I didn't pay attention when I was 15 either.

I've learned a lot from the mission and I'm grateful for the opportunity God has given me to be here.

I had to go to Santo Domingo to get my residency renewed so we left Sunday night to Santiago. Monday morning we left at 6am and got back to Salcedo at 3. It was a little rough, but we got the see the OCEAN!!! It was awesome. This country is pretty.